Please check out my video collaboration with GoDaddy UK


Why did I choose GoDaddy?

When I was choosing my website and email, I automatically searched for GoDaddy. For me they’re a world leader of website hosting. I even broke my 3 quote rule and simply selected them. I didn’t even consider using any other organisation – that’s how impressive and effective GoDaddy’s marketing is!

I used the GoDaddy website to register my business domain name and also email address. At this stage I hadn’t even considered creating a website, however, as GoDaddy had an Email & Office package in place for both, I took advantage of it. It also helped that GoDaddy’s website was easy and straightforward to use.

It was only after I’d commissioned Insight Creative to design my logo – that I realised that I’d need to invest in a website for my business. This was to attract clients, explain who I was and how I could help prospective clients, list my services and prices, and also potentially showcase my work.

I had a clear design vision of how I wanted to my website to look and I wanted it to be user friendly. I chose GoDaddy to host my website and I paid for the Deluxe Linux Hosting with cPanel package.

Also, as GoDaddy advertises, “Fast, secure and always online!” I’ve never had an issue with my website load times and the uptime for my website.

Godaddy’s 24/7 expert support, which I’ve used a number of times, has been faultless. Every ‘Guide’ has been professional, courteous, reassuring and most importantly patient with me!

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