A complete refresh & re-edit of my repeat client’s wardrobe in Essex

I’ve been working with my long standing client for over 18 months. We did a huge edit & organise of her wardrobe back in the autumn of 2022.

Since then I’ve been maintaining it, doing little tweakments, as and when needed. But overall the system we created and put in place originally has worked and been maintained successfully!


The process:

I always recommend, doing a review of your clothing, at least twice a year, especially at the beginning of each season – spring & autumn, is a great way to edit & filter the items that you’ve not worn, don’t fit your current body, are stained and/or past their best etc.

Inspired by this recommendation, my client went through all her clothing, decluttering & donating lots of jumpers, exercise clothing and also some of her smart office clothing, which my client wants to donate directly to a return to work charity for women in London.

In consultation with my client, we moved a few different clothing types around; her smart jackets, a combination of winter & summer jackets, her lingerie and her formal dresses.

This process really helped to ‘free’ up some valuable space in some parts of my client’s wardrobe, especially where her formal work clothing is hung.

My client’s edited jumpers and jeans were refolded and placed back on newly cleaned shelves.

It was a fun project and now my client’s wardrobe is re-edited and refreshed. My client can easily identify new gaps in her clothing and invest in additional items that fit her and suit her current lifestyle.

The project was completed in a one 4-hour session!

I enjoy introducing functional storage systems to my clients spaces & homes, that are easy to maintain and support their daily lifestyles!

Get in touch!

I’ve been running my professional home organising business for over 3 years and I’ve helped and supported many clients to declutter & organise their homes & lives!

If you need my help with transforming, decluttering & organising your home – please contact me for a FREE 30-minute consultation on 07533330115 or click here on the Contact Form to get in touch!

I can’t wait to hear from you, Elizabeth 🌸

Let’s Get Organised Together!


Decluttering, Organising & Styling Homes in Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Essex & Norfolk!


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