“Autumn days when the grass is jewelled And the silk inside a chestnut shell…” 


Today, the 22 September 2021, is the official start of autumn! With its cosy clothes, delicious pies and soups and wonderfully scary traditions, autumn is rich in tradition.

It is my favourite season, not just because it is the period in which I met and married my husband! But it is the perfect time get your house in order in preparation for the colder winter months and to edit your wardrobe and swap out your summer clothing for your transitional & winter layers.

A long standing client sent me the below, beautifully apt quote, which I believe sums up this time of year perfectly.



So as the seasons changes to the tune of leaves falling, autumn illustrates the beauty of letting go. It does not have to be morbid or morose. But it is about opportunity and creating the space to welcome something new!
Kirsten Nunez


Getting your winter wardrobe ready

Just before you eagerly bring out your winter clothing from storage, start by reviewing your summer clothing before packing it away.

  • Start by removing the items that you did not wear or do not fit nor flatter your current body shape.
  • Do any of the garments need dry cleaning and or are missing a button etc.? Now is the perfect time to get them cleaned and fixed before the items go back into storage.
  • Sell the items that have hardly been worn and or still have some value, so that you can use the money to purchase any additional items that you may need for your winter wardrobe.
  • Once you have edited your summer clothing, do you need to invest in new storage baskets, or buy large plastic containers to store your clothing, if they are being put in the loft or basement? I highly recommed the Really Useful Storage clear boxes for storing your clothing, they come in different sizes and have secure side clips to keep everything contained.
  • Once you have packed away your summer garments, now is the time to review and edit your winter clothing. Using the same principles as stated above; does the garment fit and flatter your current body shape?; do you still like it?; does it need aemding / fixing?; and are you happy to sell or donate the pieces that you no longer want or like?
  • Once you have been through and settled on your winter wardrobe, are there any specific items that need replenishing? Do you need to invest in a new coat, or perhaps in some snuggly sweaters or a new pair of boots? Make a list of what you need and have a clear idea of what your budget is. Keep this information listed on your phone, so you can refer to it whilst shopping. This will help you buy more wisely and hopefully avoid any buyers regret!

If you need storage ideas for your clothing, please read my feature “Let’s edit and organise your wardrobe”. Plus there is more more information on how to streamline and sort your clothing.

If you need any assistance on starting your own organising journey, please contact me for a confidential chat. I look forward to hearing from you, Elizabeth.

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