A client’s chest of wardrobe transformation in Essex!

I’ve been working with a new client in editing and organising their clothing and introducing new storage systems.

My client has lots of clothes, shoes, accessories etc that they have collected over the years. The main issue is that they reach for the same items time and time again, as they can’t easily view or access their clothes. They’re also a very busy business owner with a number of hobbies (they enjoy playing tennis and walking/hiking with their gorgeous dachshund!).

I’m working with my client to help maximise the space in their current large wardrobe and 2 chest of drawers by decluttering and  streamlining all their clothing. Also, helping them sell unwanted items, bringing in new storage solutions and introducing them to file folding.

The process

My client had a lot of suits, formal jackets and trousers, the majority of which he hadn’t worn in a very long time.

He tried on every single item on and the majority of garments went straight into the donations pile, as they no longer fitted him or he no longer liked them. Quite a few items will be sold on eBay and the items that still fitted and that he liked, went back into his wardrobe.

I hung his coats and jackets, and categorised each item by weight of fabric and colour.

I also placed his formal work shirts in the same wardrobe, we’d gone through these items in the previous session, and rather than keep them folded, they were hung with the suits. Now my client can easily view and have easy access to his items.

His shoes were also decluttered & edited. The ones that were being kept were placed back into clear shoe boxes that my client already owned.



The wardrobe transformation was completed in three 4-hour sessions.

Get in touch!

I’ve been running my professional home organising business for over 3 years and I’ve helped and supported many clients to declutter & organise their homes & lives!

If you need my help with transforming, decluttering & organising your home – please contact me for a FREE 30-minute consultation on 07533330115 or click here on the Contact Form to get in touch!

I’d love to hear from you, Elizabeth 🌸

Let’s Get Organised Together!

Decluttering, Organising & Styling Homes in Suffolk, Cambridgeshire,

Essex & Norfolk!

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