Editing and organising your paperwork can be overwhelming, time-consuming and to be honest boring! Also, depending on how you store it – large volumes can take up valuable space.

The good news is there are so many ways to cut down on your physical paperwork.

There are so many tools, literally available at our fingertips. It’s easier than ever to go paper-free at home. All you need is your phone.

Thankfully, with the wonderful and positive help of technology, the majority of all our bills and bank statements etc. can be received, viewed and saved online. This helps to reduce the amount of paper that we receive on our doormat!

  1. Start by contacting your bank, energy supplier(s), insurance companies(s), subscriptions etc. If you have an online account already, you can easily select the op out option in receiving paper statements.
  2. Use the free tools on your phone to scan and save important documents by taking advantage of the free Cloud storage available on your phone or laptop (such as iCloud, One Drive or Google Drive).
  3. If there isn’t enough storage space, you can normally subscribe to a bigger storage package with your phone provider and or by using specific apps such as Adobe Scan & Acrobat Pro DC, Dropbox, Evernote and Google Docs.
  4. Get used to saving documents as PDFs. When you get an electronic bill or form, click ‘print’ and choose ‘save as PDF’ instead of printing it out.
  5. Digitalise your signature so you can easily fill out and sign paperwork electronically. Convenient, safe and done in just a few clicks.

Bonus tip: Invest in a paper shredder and securely shred your paperwork once you’ve scanned it (and all of your unwanted post).


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